In May of 2013, after careful review of fiscal realities, a lengthy timeline for capital improvements, and, most of all, the needs of the chimpanzees Loulis and Tatu, Friends of Washoe concluded that the chimpanzees should be moved from the campus of Central Washington University to a new location. In that light, Tatu and Loulis were moved from the Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute in Washington State in August of 2013 to the Fauna Foundation, located near Montreal, Quebec. Dr. Mary Lee Jensvold joined them in August 2014.
Fauna, established in 1997, is a non-profit organization that provides rescue and permanent sanctuary for animals that have been used, neglected, abused or rejected by humans. Fauna has 12 other chimpanzee residents, and Tatu and Loulis have made many new friends and been able to explore this vast sanctuary. Fauna is a protected environment for Quebec's native flora and fauna. Situated on more than 200 acres, Fauna offers a lake, a river, fields, protected wetlands and a young forest of native flora and animals. Fauna has created wildlife corridors, gardens and new plantings of native flora, encouraging local species to populate the area and migratory birds to stop for food and shelter.
To find out more about Fauna, please visit their website:
Click here to learn more.