Next of Kin: A Compassionate, Interdisciplinary Science Curriculum
Friends of Washoe and the New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS) in a collaborative effort have developed two Interdisciplinary Science Curricula, one for elementary students grades 2-5 and one for middle level students grades 6-9. These two curricula focus on information and issues dealing with free-living and captive chimpanzees. They also introduce students to issues surrounding experimentation on all non-human animals. In contrast to many curricula, this is one that uses sound empirical research to support a compassionate approach for all our fellow animals. The curriculum lessons are designed so they can be used comprehensively, as a supplement or as extra lessons as needed. You can download the elementary curriculum here. You may request copies of the middle school curricula by email at!

"Teaching this curriculum has been amazing! My students love it!" ~ 8th grade science teacher at Edgewood Middle School, Maryland
"I have taught for over 20 years. When it comes to the life sciences and topics such as habitat destruction and ethical issues that naturally emerge from studying a sanctuary such as the CHCI, I have not run across a curriculum that helps explain the subject as well as the Next of Kin curriculum. It is balanced yet honest. It doesn't preach."
"[...] One of our 4th graders who made the trip to CHCI brought in her Nickelodeon Magazine. On the last page was a picture of young chimps dressed up in human clothes and they were doing some kind of performance. She told the class that she had written a letter to the editors complaining about the picture and all the kids cheered for her. This would never have happened if she had not been exposed to the Next of Kin Curriculum!"
~Julie Blystad, a teacher at Seattle's Bertschi School: