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Semi-permanent enrichment consists of items that are removable but remain in the enclosure for several months or years usually because of their size, weight, etc.

Tatu reclines on a fire hose in the outdoor enclosure.

Hanging Fire Hoses

Fire hoses were hung from the walls and ceiling of the enclosure. They were secured by using clamps or a secure knot. The hoses were strong enough to hold the chimpanzees' weight and withstand climbing and swinging. The hoses' integrity was regularly monitored.

Hanging Garden Hoses

Garden hoses were sometimes tied to the ceiling of the caging. We secured both ends to make a hammock. The hoses must be strong enough to hold the chimpanzees' weight and withstand climbing and swinging. The hoses' were regularly monitored for the chimpanzees' safety.

Tatu sits atop a tire in the West Room


Tractor tires and car tires were used inside of the chimpanzees' enclosures. Tires were bolted to the floor to stand vertically and some tires were left unattached so the chimpanzees could move them around as they wished.

Tire Swings

Some tires were used as swings by using secure hosing to tie the tire to the ceiling of the enclosures.

Dar flips through a magazine in a cargo net suspended in the East Room.

Cargo Nets

Several cargo nets were used throughout the chimpanzees' enclosure. The nets had been purchased or fashioned by the chimpanzees' human caregivers using fire hoses or pieces of tires. We fastened the four corners of the cargo net to permanent structures in the enclosure. The cargo nets at CHCI were used for nesting and climbing.

Moja atop a spool in the outdoor enclosure


The caregivers placed wooden or plastic spools in the chimpanzees' enclosure. Some of these spools had been in the enclosures for years and the chimpanzees used them daily as sitting and resting places.

Dead Trees

Downed or cut trees were occasionally donated to the Institute and we placed them into the outdoor enclosure. The chimpanzees liked to forage through the leaves and climb on the tree. The tree may be left in the enclosure for several days before being removed.

Learn about Tatu & Loulis's home at Fauna Foundation's website!