Friends of Washoe is committed to education. Teaching our fellow humans respect, responsibility and compassion for our fellow apes through education is one of our primary goals.
We hope that all who come into contact with FOW, especially youth, will come to realize that human exploitation must be replaced with human compassion, that responsible citizenship involves treating our fellow organic beings with humility and respect, and that the essence of a productive life is one that seeks to protect the Earth so that all organic beings can live their lives naturally and free from objectification and exploitation.
These handouts are free for use by teachers!
If you are interested in teaching your students about chimpanzees and empowering them to be better stewards of the natural world, you might consider implementing Next of Kin: A Compassionate, Interdisciplinary Science Curriculum, a collaborative effort between Friends of Washoe and the New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS) and part of an ongoing outreach program designed to help K-12 students understand the importance of conservation and compassion toward chimpanzees and all living creatures.